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              underlined students were mentored by Luskin & the ECL



Bruce et al + 174 other authors & Luskin (2025). Large-scale and long-term wildlife monitoring using camera traps: a continental synthesis. Biological Reviews in press.


Sartor, ... et al w/ Luskin & others 4. Identifying remnant biodiversity hotspots in Southern Asia reveals disequilibrium in mammalian communities. Biodiversity and Conservation, 33(11): 3057-3074. [link]


Nursamsi, Luskin, Levin, Sonter & Phinn (2024). Remote sensing of artisanal and small-scale mining: A review of scalable mapping approaches. Science of the Total Environment 951: 175761. [link]


Brodie et al w/ Luskin & others (2024). Defaunation impacts on the carbon balance of tropical forests. Conservation Biology: e14414.


Brearly et al & Luskin (2024). Wild pigs influence tropical forest soil microbial communities in a forest-agriculture mosaic landscape. Forest Ecology and Management  572: e122320 [link]


Mendes Luskin (minor revisions). The use, misuse, and opportunities for structural equation modelling (SEM) in wildlife ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.


Dehaudt, Bruceet al & Luskin (2024). Divergent seed dispersal outcomes: Interactions between seed disperser and forest traits. Ecology e4409: 1-14 [link]


Nursamsi, Sonter, Luskin, & Phinn (2024). Feasibility of multi-spectral and radar data fusion for mapping Artisanal
Small-Scale Mining: A case study from Indonesia. J of Applied Earth Observation & Geoinformation 132: 104015 [link]


Mendes, Albert, Amir, Bruce, Carr, Moore, Nursamsi, +68 other authors & Luskin (2024). CamTrapAsia: A dataset of tropical forest vertebrate communities from 239 camera trapping studies. Ecology e4299 [link]


Lee, Amir, Moore, Gaynor & Luskin (2024). Effects of human disturbances on wildlife behaviour and consequences for predator-prey overlap in Southeast Asia. Nature Communications 15: 21 [link]


Burton et al w/ Amir, Luskin & others (2024). Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8(5):924-35 [link]


Fester, Luskin & Maron (2024). Carcass density, size and visibility do not significantly differ between areas with and without spotted-hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta), with implications for threatened vultures. African Journal of Ecology 62(4): e13345. [link]


Dehaudt et al & Luskin (2024). More problems sampling wildlife with baits: Environmental food resources influence trapping rates. Wildlife Letters 2(2): 83-89.


Honda, Amir, Moore & Luskin (2024). Binturong ecology and conservation in pristine, fragmented and degraded tropical forests. Oryx 1, 1–11. [link]




Brodie et al & Luskin (2023). Landscape-scale benefits of protected areas for tropical biodiversity. Nature 620:807-812. [link]

*link to Nature's cover with editor's summary


Luskin, Arnold, Sovie, Amir, Chua, Dehaudt, Dunn, Nursamsi, Moore & Mendes (2023). Mesopredators in forest edges. Wildlife Letters 1(2): 1-12. [link]


Mendes, Liu, Amir, Moore & Luskin (2023). A multi-scale synthesis of mousedeer habitat associations in Southeast Asia reveals declining abundance but few extirpations in fragments and edges. Austral Ecology 39: 1:17. [link]


Ho, Dehaudt, Lee & Luskin (2023). Recolonizing native wildlife facilitates exotic plant invasion into Singapore’s rainforests. Biotropica 00:1-12. [link]


Moore, Gibson, Amir, Chanthorn, Ahmad, Mendes, Jansen, Onuma, Peres & Luskin (2023). The rise of hyperabundant native generalists threatens both humans and nature. Biological Reviews 98(4):1–20. [link]


Luskin, Moore, Mendes et al (2023). The mass mortality of Asia's native pigs induced by African swine fever. Wildlife Letters 1(1): 1-10. [link]


Decoeur, Amir, MendesMooreLuskin (2023). Mid-sized felids threatened by habitat degradation in Southeast Asia. Biological Conservation 283: 110103 [link]


Negret, Luskin et al & Mendes (2023). Neotropical understory birds and mammals show divergent behaviour responses to human pressure. Perspectives in Ecology & Conservation e2023:1-10 [link]


NursamsiAmir, DecoeurMoore Luskin (2023). Sunda pangolins show inconsistent responses to disturbances across multiple scales. Wildlife Letters 2(1):1-10 [link]


Lamperty, et al w/ Amir, Mendes, Png, Sovie & Luskin (2023). Rewilding in Southeast Asia: Singapore as a case study. Conservation Science & Practice e12899: 1-11 [link]


Kurz et al w/ Luskin & others (2023). Socio-ecological factors shape the distribution of a cultural keystone species (bearded pig, Sus barbatus) in Malaysian Borneo. npj Biodiversity 2(1): 1-9. [link]


Hendry, Amir, DecoeurMendes, MooreSovie & Luskin (2023). Marbled cats in Southeast Asia; Are diurnal and semi-arboreal felids at greater risk from human disturbances? Ecosphere 14(1): e4338. [link]


Carr, Amir, Moore, Nursamsi & Luskin (2023). The highs and lows of serow (Capricornis sumatraensis): multi-scale habitat associations inform large mammal conservation strategies in the face of synergistic threats of deforestation, hunting, and climate change. Raffles Bull. Zool. 71, 400–416. [link]


Bubnicki et al w/ BruceLuskin & others. 2023. Camtrap DP: an open standard for the FAIR exchange and archiving of camera trap data. Remote Sensing in Ecology & Conservation 9: 1:11.  [link]


Ang et al w/ Luskin & others. 2024. Isopod mouthpart traits respond to a tropical forest recovery gradient. Oecologia xx: 1:11.  [link]





Amir, Moore, Negret & Luskin (2022). Megafauna extinctions produce idiosyncratic Anthropocene assemblages. Science Advances 8, eabq2307-2318. [link]


DehaudtAmir, Decoeur, Gibson, Mendes, MooreNursamsi, Sovie & Luskin (2022). Common palm civets (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) are positively associated with humans and forest degradation with implications for seed dispersal and zoonotic diseases. J of Animal Ecology 91: 794-804. [link]


Amir, Sovie & Luskin (2022). Inferring predator–prey interactions from camera traps: A Bayesian co-abundance modeling approach. Ecology & Evolution, 12, e9627. [link]


DunnAmir, DecoeurMendes, MooreSovie & Luskin (2022). The ecology of the banded civet (Hemigalus derbyanus) in Southeast Asia with implications for mesopredator release, zoonotic diseases, and conservation. Ecology & Evolution 12, e8852-e8861.[link]


Yong et al w/ Luskin & Wardle (2022). Plants associated with wild pig (Sus scrofa) foraging activities in Singapore secondary forests. Suiform Soundings 21, 7-14. [link]




Luskin, Johnson, Ickes, Yao & Davies (2021). Wildlife disturbances as a source of conspecific negative density-dependent mortality in tropical trees. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288: 1946-1956. [link]


Luskin, Meijaard, Surya, Sheherazade, Walzer & Linkie (2021). African Swine Fever threatens Southeast Asia’s 11 endemic wild pig species. Conservation Letters: e12784-e12795. [link]


Williams, Ong, Brodie & Luskin (2021). Fungi and insects compensate for lost vertebrate seed predation in an experimentally defaunated tropical forest. Nature Communications 12(1): 1650-1664[link]


Song, Lim, Yang & Luskin* (2021) When do Janzen-Connell effects matter? A phylogenetic meta-analysis of conspecific negative distance- and density-dependence experiments. Ecology Letters 24, 608-620. [link]


Chong, et al w/ Luskin & others (2021). Are rerrestrial biological invasions different in the tropics? Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 52: 291–314. [link]


Kurz et al w/ Luskin & others (2021). Transformation and endurance of Indigenous hunting: Kadazandusun-Murut bearded pig hunting practices amidst oil palm expansion and urbanization in Sabah, Malaysia. People & Nature 00: 1-15. [link]


Austin et al w/ Luskin & others (2021). Mapping and monitoring zero-deforestation commitments. BioScience 5: 1-15 [link]​​​



~2020 and before ~


Davies et al w/ Luskin & others (2020). ForestGEO: Understanding forest diversity and dynamics through a global observatory network. Biological Conservation 253: 1-27. [link]


Annapragada, Brook, Luskin et al (2020). Evaluation of tenrec population viability and potential sustainable management under hunting pressure in northeastern Madagascar. Animal Conservation 24(6): 1059-1070. [link]


Luskin, Ickes, Yao & Davies (2019). Wildlife differentially affect tree and liana regeneration in a tropical forest: an 18-yr study of experimental defaunation versus artificially abundant herbivores. J of Applied Ecology 56: 1379-1388. [link]


Jia, Wang, Yuan, Lin, Ye, Hao & Luskin* (2018). Global signal of top-down control of terrestrial plant communities by herbivores. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115: 6237–6242. [link]


Luskin, Lee, Edwards, Gibson & Potts (2018). A quantitative review of land sparing agricultural production strategies to conserve tropical forest biodiversity. Global Food Security 16: 29-35. [link]


Luskin, Ke, Linkie, Meijaard (2018). Sus barbatus threat assessment. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T41772A10559190 [link].


Hudson et al w/ Luskin & others (2017). The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems). Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7: 145-188. [link]


Luskin, Albert & Tobler (2017). Sumatran tiger survival threatened by deforestation despite increasing densities in parks. Nature Communications 8: 1783. [link]


Luskin, Brashares, Ickes, Fletcher, Wright & Potts (2017). Cross-boundary subsidy cascades from oil palm degrade distant tropical forests. Nature Communications 8: 2231-2239. [link]


Luskin & Ke (2017). The bearded pig. In Melletti M & Meijaard E (Eds). Ecology, Evolution and Management of Wild Pigs and Peccaries. Implications for Conservation. Cambridge University Press, UK. [link]​


Ke & Luskin* (2017). Integrating disparate occurrence reports to map data-poor species ranges and occupancy: a case study of the Vulnerable bearded pig Sus barbatus. Oryx 55: 1-11. [link]


Harrison, Sreekar, Brodie, Brook, Luskin, O’Kelley, Rao, Scheffers & Velho (2016). Impacts of hunting and wildlife trade on Asian tropical forests. Conservation Biology 30: 972-983. [link]


Luskin, Christina, Kelley & Potts (2014). Modern hunting practices and wild meat trade in the plantation landscapes of Sumatra, Indonesia. Human Ecology 42: 35:45.[link]


Luskin & Potts (2011). Microclimate and habitat heterogeneity through the oil lifecycle. Basic and Applied Ecology 12: 540–551.[link]


Luskin (2010). Flying foxes prefer to forage in farmland in a tropical dry forest landscape mosaic in Fiji. Biotropica 42: 246–250.[link]

©2018 Matthew Luskin

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